Which parts of Islamic doctrine do you think are most misunderstood by many Muslims?

Peter, Vancouver, Canada (living in Korea)


  1. there are general concepts we are agree about. but we differ in some details. i'll give you example, all Muslims agree that we must pray five prayers every day. no one deny this even who don't pray. but there is some details we are differ about in prayer. some see that we must pray in group not individually. others see the it is opptional. another example, we all agree that women must cover her hair. but some of us see that she also cover her face. others see covering face is optional. this deference about details is considered in Islam and have reasons. it will take along essay to explain this but what i want to say that all of us respect the each other opinions about details.
    i recommend this site in which you will find answers for every quesion in your mind and also you can contact with them easliy. http://www.islam-qa.com/
    Ahmed M. Mustafa, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University

  2. i agree with dr ahmed mustafa but every thing in islam can understood wrong beacaus the minds are diffirent and there are many stupped in the world And also in many of the Orientalists deliberately wrong understanding of Islam to tarnish the image of Islam and distort beliefs in order not to enter the people of Islam non-Muslims and other times some Muslims read the writings of those misconceptions and imitate what the become differences between Muslims and some of them
