How does a non-Muslim become Muslim? Or what are the tenets of Muslim faith that one must have in order to be a Muslim?

Patrick, Toronto, Canada, (living in Korea)


  1. How to Become a Muslim:
    Simply by saying with conviction, "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah," you convert to Islam and become a Muslim. This saying means "there is no god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the messenger of God." The first part i.e. "there is no god but God," means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone and that God has neither partner nor son. To be a Muslim, you must also believe that the glorious Qur'an is the literal and revealed word of God and that the Day of Judgment is true and will come as promised in the Qur'an. Further, as a Muslim, you must believe in and accept Islam as your religion and way of life. Still further, you must not worship anything or anyone except Allah. Upon entering Islam, you have just added yourself to a family of over 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world. These fellow Muslims become your brothers and sisters in faith and consequently are obliged to support, comfort, and love you for the sake of Allah.
    (Taken from the preface to the English Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran)
    Translated and edited by Message International-USA
    Saheeh International-UK
    Dar Al Mountada-Saudi Arabia
    Al Qummah-Egypt

    For more information visit:

  2. The first thing in Islam to know that God is one only, and testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and then follow the instructions of the Quran and Sunnah then be high moral character loves all people and peace-loving Islam imposes on every Muslim man and woman when they met any person to say his peace upon you and then begin his career in the practice of Islamic morality

  3. thank you very much mir pen for your comment
    Your comment is very important, equitable, and is characterized by moderate
    in The fact you read carefully in Islam and the interest
    I ask God Almighty to guide you to the right and the beast
    and all the world

  4. thank you BIN , your comment is very good ,clear , simple, i enjoyed with your comment, and i agree with alyamany in his opinion,and i also ask Allah to guide you to the right .
