In Islam is it necessary to believe in a personal God? I believe in God, but a God as a creator and sustainer of the universe. I don't believe that God judges everything I do. Is there this kind of theology in Islam?

Ben, Boston, USA (Teaching in Kyrgyzstan)


  1. No. Islam builds an absolute faith in God. Orders and prohibitions in anything in my life. Must be in all things follow the orders and prohibitions of God. This is the true Islam.
    Emad El-din, Cairo

  2. Khaled abdelrazikMarch 21, 2010

    In Islam Allah created everything I believe Allah gave me everything I have so i should thank Him for everything if someone gave me something i will thank him . Everyone has the freedom to do anything but Allah will ask him about his deeds After his death And the great reward will be for the one who oppayed Himm and thanked Him .
    Khaled ,EGypt

  3. islam is to believe in the oneness of God and that he has the sovereign power over all, since without a sustainer God universe would be like a ship with no captain which would be drowned. it's the absolute faith in the true God who is aware of and observe every single creature. it's He Who raises skies so high and settles mountains on earth. you can feel its supreme power in your own soul just by seeing your own creation and the circle of life that Allah mention in the Holy Qura'n. Allah is in need of us, but we always in need of him. His mercy exceeds His anger, so he gives us the opportunity to submit voluntary. if it's not God who judges your all doings and sayings, so who would be???!
    Eman Refaat, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University
