Do Muslims hate war?

Jeannie, Vista, California, USA


  1. Muslims hate wars. They only fight in two cases. The first is when the other assaults them. Second, if they are prevented from reporting the peaceful message of Islam to the people to correct the misconceptions they have.
    Suzan, Cairo

  2. Yes, they do. And I think all of humanity hates war resulting in destruction and ruin.
    Noha, Faculty of Islamic Studies (Journalism), Al Azhar

  3. thank you very much Jeannie, Vista, California, USA
    Of course, Muslims hate the war, the Koran says so, sunna say that , the date he says, the reality is that, no sane person likes war, warlords are just like war, arms dealers just like war
    islam hate war like the evil
    the name of allah

    107. We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. urah 21. The Prophets
    the name of allah
    208. O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy
    Surah 2. The Cow
