How do Al Azhar Muslims view the Taliban? List of Taliban laws below. Which of these laws are supported in the Quran? Which in the Hadith? Which are not? (Project Coordinator)

Taliban Flyer distributed in the streets of Afghanistan in September 1996 after the Taliban took control
(from Khaled Hosseini’s book A Thousand Splendid Suns. Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1965 and moved to the United States in 1980.)

Our watan is now known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. These are the laws that we will enforce and you will obey:
All citizens must pray five times a day. If it is prayer time and you are caught doing something other, you will be beaten.
All men will grow their beards. The correct length is at least one clenched fist beneath the chin. If you do not abide by this, you will be beaten.
All boys will wear turbans. Boys in grades one through six will wear black turbans, higher grades will wear white. All boys will wear Islamic clothes. Shirt collars will be buttoned.
Singing is forbidden.
Dancing is forbidden.
Playing cards, playing chess, gambling, and kite flying are forbidden.
Writing books, watching films, and painting pictures are forbidden.
If you keep parakeets, you will be beaten. Your birds will be killed.
If you steal, your hand will be cut off at the wrist. If you steal again your foot will be cut off.
If you are not Muslim, do not worship where you can be seen by Muslims. If you do, you will be beaten and imprisoned. If you are caught trying to convert a Muslim to your faith, you will be executed.
Attention women:
You will stay inside your homes at all times. It is not proper for women to wander aimlessly about the streets. If you go outside you must be accompanied by a mahram, a male relative. If you are caught alone on the street, you will be beaten and sent home.
You will not, under any circumstance, show your face. You will cover with burqa when outside. If you do not, you will be severely beaten.
Cosmetics are forbidden.
Jewelry is forbidden.
You will not wear charming clothes.
You will not speak unless spoken to.
You will not make eye contact with men.
You will not laugh in public. If you do, you will be beaten.
You will not paint your fingernails. If you do you will lose a finger.
Girls are forbidden from attending school. All school for girls will be closed immediately.
Women are forbidden from working.
If you are found guilty of adultery, you will be stoned to death.
Listen. Listen well. Obey. Allahu-akbar.


  1. Taliban Islamic movement from its name can be said: They are students of science, but they did not desist from seeking knowledge and came to power after the chaos that occurred after the defeat of Russia and America was providing them with arms, money and then betrayed America and went to their country to steal and now occupied by
    This view can not speak on behalf of Al-Azhar

  2. I just want to compare the case of Afghanistan during the Taliban rule, and the state of Afghanistan after the U.S. occupation, we note that the difference is very large, conditions are Afghanistan during the Taliban rule, one can say it was very good, and the state of Afghanistan after the U.S. occupation is very bad
