Do Muslims believe in peaceful coexistence with people of other religions? Do extremist Muslims believe the same thing?

Peter, Vancouver, Canada


  1. Yes obviously because that is Islam's rules but I don't know about extremists because the extremist is no Muslim.
    Afaf, Cairo

  2. Sumyia YusufMarch 19, 2010

    Of course Muslims can live peacefully with others. It is not just for now due to international pressure but also in the era of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) too. He lived with the Christians and Jews and they were paying "Al-Gizia" because the Muslims were protecting them and they also lived on their land.
    i don't know what do you exactly mean by extremist? is it people who are very religious or who always say we should kill the others who aren't Muslims (because obviously they have nothing to do with Islam)

  3. Khaled AbdelnapiMarch 21, 2010

    Islam is the peace religion All of its teachinge are fullof the peace with muslim and non muslim .For example we meat other peoplt with the peace greeting 'peace be upon you "
    It meane I cant harm or hurt you It is Islam true .
    Khaled ,Egypt

  4. i was surprised from the question because it is opposite to my beliefs. but i understand why you said that. our prophet encouraged us to deal kindly with non-muslims. thier are many situations he did with non-muslims to guide us for good relations with them. we don't have extremist in Islam. our prophet told us that extremist will lose. so we don't consider them from us.
    Ahmed Mustafa

  5. thank you for this good question Peter, Vancouver, Canada
    but i want to ask why you speak a bout extremist Muslims ? this people have many problems in their minds so that have not speak about their
    islam Requests and imposes believe in peaceful coexistence with people of other religions
    God Almighty says
    13. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).Surah 49. The Private Apartments, The Inner Apartments
